
DMF-bookarriveThis month brings to me a great sense of satisfaction with the release of my second book, Dead Man’s Fingers.

When my hot-off-the-press books arrived on my doorstep I quickly ripped open the box, grabbed a book, open the pages to the middle, and shoved my face into the printed pages. I breathed deeply; inhaling the toxic aroma. To me, there is no greater smell than printer’s ink.

After I smelled my book I lifted it over my head and danced around. I did the twist, the cha-cha, cheerleading kicks, twirls and ballet steps from my youth. I hugged the book, and gave thanks to everyone who helped make my dream a reality. I have not reached this point of personal success without the support of family, friends, the publishing company, and spell-check.

And then I was overwhelmed with the next step. Marketing! Writing the book was the fun part. Even editing and proofing was enjoyable, but getting the book into retail shops is a challenge. I will need comfortable shoes and determination. I will need a few handouts, books, business cards and a list of businesses to visit.

But for now I will get myself a cup of fresh coffee and bake Tollhouse cookies, because the next best smells to printers ink is hot coffee and cookies hot-out-of-the-oven.

Thanks to everyone who helped me cook this book up.